Lost Boards! – Prevention, Locate and Recover

Lost Board – Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

It’s an unfortunate occurence but sometimes even the best kiters lose their kiteboard. Here is the whenitswindy guide to avoiding board loss and how to find and recover a missing board.

Part 1 – Don’t lose it!

Prevention is better than cure. How not to lose your kiteboard without using a board leash.


Part 2 – You lost it? How to find a missing board.

Sometimes our best laid plans still fail. Here we detail how to find a lost board once it’s drifted away.


Part 3- You found a board… What now? Be the Hero!

Congratulations you just found someone’s board! You can now earn yourself a beer or at least pay it forward by getting that board safely to the beach. But how??  Here we let you know several tried and tested methods on how to recover someone else’s board.



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